“Carrying the NA message has been an important part of many of our members’ recovery and has helped some of us to discover and develop our abilities. The NA message of recovery can reach a great many people with your support. Participating in the PR committee gives you a chance to make a positive difference in the lives of others.” -PR and the NA Member
Our Public Relations Committee meets at 2:30pm before the Area Service Committee on the first Sunday of every month at the Pittman Park Recreation Center.
Why is Public Relations important to the NA member?
The Narcotics Anonymous message is “that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live.” Our relations with the public enable us to share this message broadly so that
* Respond to any queries from outside the fellowship that request information about Narcotics Anonymous or the Midtown Area of Narcotics Anonymous